


The Influence of Skepticism, Familiarity and Expertise on the Persuasion of Internet Celebrities' Sponsored Posts


楊運秀(Yolande Yun-Hsiou Yang);郭芳伃(Fang Yu Kuo)


網路紅人 ; 業配文態度 ; 懷疑人格 ; 熟悉度 ; 專業性 ; 購買意圖 ; internet celebrity ; sponsored posts attitude ; skepticism ; familiarity ; expertise ; purchase intention




14卷2期(2017 / 06 / 01)


163 - 189






As the popularity of Internet grows and connection speed keeps increasing while the price drops, users can upload video clips or watch them much easier than ever, the net has become a whole new media for marketing messages. Traditional celebrity endorsement has been replaced by blogs and videos by Internet celebrities. Those contents are often sponsored by the product or service providers. Whether sponsored contents can be accepted by the consumers, is an important topic for Internet marketers. In this study we investigate the persuasion effect of sponsored contents, with the skepticism of the consumer, the audience's familiarity with the endorser, and the expertise of the Internet celebrity's expertise as independent variables and the attitude to the sponsored contents and the purchase intention as dependent variables. The result from 352 valid responses of a questionnaire shows that (1) both the familiarity with the celebrity and the expertise of the celebrity are positively related to the attitude to the sponsored contents and the purchase intention, (2) skepticism of the consumer negatively affects the attitude towards the sponsored contents and purchase intention, and (3) consumers' attitude towards the sponsored contents is positively related to the purchase intention.

主题分类 社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 管理學
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