


A Study on Brand Switching Intention of Luxury Car Owners Based on the Push-Pull-Mooring Theory


賴明政(Ming-Cheng Lai);周孟穎(Meng-Ying Chou)


推力-拉力-鎖住力模型 ; 人口遷徙理論 ; 轉換意圖 ; 高級進口車 ; Push-Pull-Mooring (PPM) model ; human migration theory ; switching intention ; luxury car




14卷3期(2017 / 09 / 01)


263 - 291






The luxury car market in Taiwan has been growing rapidly during past years, while the competition among luxury car brands has become fierce. Consumers' switching behavior has a tremendous impact on these brands. Thus, it is important for luxury car brands to retain their current customers as well as to attract new customers. The study extends "Push-Pull-Mooring" migratory theory, explaining and analyzing the factors that influence the consumers' decision to whether switch to another brand or stay with the original one. The study applies structural equation modeling to test the hypothesis and the data was collected from 951 current owners of luxury car through questionnaire survey. The result shows that the PPM model can be employed to explain and predict the user's switching intention of luxury car, and both pull and mooring variable have significant effects on switching intention. The moderating effects of mooring on the relationship between its antecedents. The findings in the study are believed to increase our understanding of car industry regarding how to maintain current customers and build new users' loyalty, as well as making contributions to both academic research and business practice.

主题分类 社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 管理學
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