


Let's Buy Together! The Antecedents of Group-Buying Intentions


葉子明(Tsu-Ming Yeh);黃開義(Kai-I Huang);黃瓊慧(Chiung-Hui Huang)


人格特質 ; 知覺風險 ; 從眾行為 ; 團購意願 ; personality traits ; perceived risks ; herding behavior ; group-buying intentions




14卷3期(2017 / 09 / 01)


293 - 324






"Group-buying" is a mode of purchasing and has become more and more popular in Taiwan and attracts many consumers to participate. With the growth and development of internet technology, it also brings in the popularity of group-buying in recent years. This study aims to discuss the effects of personality trait, perceived risks and herding behavior on group-buying intentions. The research results show that: different background variable has partially significant difference on the personality trait, perceived risks, herding behavior and grouping-buying intention.; Referring to perceived risks, financial risk, time risk, and brand risk achieve significant negative correlation with grouping-buying intention; herding behavior and group-buying intention reach obviously positively correlated; in respect of personality traits, extraversion has shown positively significant influence on group-buying intention. Instead, conscientiousness achieves negatively significant effect on group-buying intention; In respect of perceived risks, brand risk achieve and security risk achieve negatively significant effect on group-buying intention; herding behavior creates positively significant effect on group-buying intention. Regarding the three factors of antecedents, herding behavior affects grouping-buying intention the most.

主题分类 社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 管理學
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