


Exploring the Effects of the Types of Mobile APPlication and Event Marketing on Brand Attitudes and Purchasing Intentions


張秀樺(Hsiu-Hua Chang);黃筱涵(Hsiao-Han Huang)


品牌APP ; 事件行銷 ; 品牌態度 ; 購買意願 ; branded APP ; event marketing ; brand attitude ; purchase intention




14卷4期(2017 / 12 / 01)


367 - 389




行動裝置的普及造就了行動應用程式(mobile application)的蓬勃發展與廣泛使用,APP更有別於傳統廣告,擁有便利性、互動性、立即性和無所不在的特質,企業為了有效與消費者進行互動,紛紛推出專屬的品牌APP,透過APP舉辦不同類型的行銷活動,以讓消費者對該品牌產生正向態度進而引發購買意願。然而,過去卻鮮少有相關研究直接針對品牌APP類型與事件行銷之交互效果進行探討,因此,本研究透過2 x 3因子實驗設計,以APP類型(資訊型、體驗型)與事件行銷類型(銷售導向、特別創意事件導向、慈善導向)為變數設計出六種情境,來探討不同情境下,對於品牌態度及購買意願的影響。結果顯示,相較於資訊型APP,體驗型APP較能提高消費者對品牌APP的品牌態度,且以體驗型APP搭配上任何型態之事件行銷類別之效果較高,而品牌態度亦能顯著影響購買意願。據此,本研究亦提出學術與實務上的貢獻與建議。


While mobile devices have widely accepted by consumers, mobile applications (apps) which are convenient, interactive, immediate, and omnipresent are a popular marketing communications tool for interacting with consumers. Companies can operate marketing activities through their branded app to promote product information or service their customers to improve brand attitudes. However, few studies directly examine the effects of event marketing and branded apps on consumer brand attitudes and purchasing intentions. To address these gaps, this study uses a 2x3 factorial experimental design, including branded app type (information-based or experience-based) and type of event marketing (sales-oriented, special event-oriented, charitable-oriented), to illustrate the relationships between constructs. Based on the findings of this study, app and event marketing types can significantly impact brand attitudes toward the specific brand, and then influence consumer purchasing intentions. Finally, academic and practical contributions are discussed.

主题分类 社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 管理學
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