


The Effect of Check-In and Share Functions on Information Receivers' Purchasing Intention on Facebook


葉子明(Tsu-Ming Yeh);江季芸(Chi-Yun Chiang);白凢芸(Fan-Yun Pai)


社群網站 ; 關係強度 ; 訊息內容豐富度 ; 促銷活動訊息 ; 企業形象 ; social network website ; tie strength ; information richness ; promotion activities message ; corporate image




14卷4期(2017 / 12 / 01)


391 - 415




Facebook (FB)是最著名的社群網站,FB的興起使得企業開始利用特有推薦機制(打卡與分享功能),傳遞行動社群口碑,希望提升消費者所知覺之知覺企業形象與消費者購買意圖。為進一步了解此方式是否真的能達到企業的目的,因此本研究使用者按讚或是分享行為對資訊接受者之影響,本研究分析資訊傳送者與資訊接受者之關係強度、訊息內容豐富度與促銷活動訊息對資訊接受者認知之企業形象以及購買意圖之影響。本研究採用實驗設計法,設計不同使用者使用打卡與分享功能之虛擬情境,並分析不同情境下企業形象與購買意圖之差異,研究結果顯示,透過Facebook推薦機制來傳遞口碑確實可以提升企業形象與消費者之購買意圖,然而關係強度不是顯著影響消費者之購買意圖的原因,因此企業若想有效提升企業形象,可以發佈豐富的訊息以及促銷活動訊息來吸引FB使用者的注意,並且與其建立起良好的互動,以達企業社群行銷之目的。


Social network websites (SNWs) become popular so that corporates interact with customers on these websites, such as Facebook. Check-in and Share functions are commonly used tools to create mobile social word of mouth to create positive corporate image and increase consumer purchasing intention. In order to prove it is an effective tool, this study construct a conceptual model and investigates the relationships among tie strength between message senders and receiver, information richness of a message, promotion information of a message, receiver's perceived corporate image and receiver's purchasing intention. Experiments are designed and employed to investigate the proposed hypotheses. Different scenarios are tested and ANOVA and regression were employed to analyze collected data. The results showed that corporates can take advantage of commendation mechanism in SNWs to disperse mobile WOM. It is verified that check-in and share function increase message receivers’ purchasing intention through improving their perception on corporate image.

主题分类 社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 管理學
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