
The Impact of Money and Task Complexity on Consumer Co-Creation Intention




周思妤(Szu-Yu Chou);陳雅玟(Ya-Wen Chen)


value co-creation ; intrinsic motivation ; monetary incentive ; crowding out effect ; task complexity ; 價值共同創造 ; 內在動機 ; 金錢誘因 ; 排擠效應 ; 任務複雜度




15卷1期(2018 / 03 / 01)


67 - 99




According to service-dominant logic, an increasing number of consumers co-create value with firms in the virtual environment. In practice, firms follow the notion that monetary incentives are the best way to motivate consumers to co-create value. In this research, the author applies the crowding-out effect to examine the impact of extrinsic rewards on consumers at different intrinsic motivation levels. The data came from 307 valid questionnaires collected by invitation. The invitation was effective for two weeks on a social media site, and the questionnaires were randomly issued to participants. Results show that monetary incentives are only useful for consumers with low co-creation intrinsic motivation, but not for those with high co-creation intrinsic motivation. This research also reveals that in the high task complexity condition, consumers with high intrinsic motivation are less likely to decrease their intention toward future co-creation, compared with those with low intrinsic motivation.



主题分类 社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 管理學
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