


The Research of Kinmen Image, Appeal Strategies and Advertising Effects-Taking Kinmen Culture Creative Products for Example


林正士(Cheng-Shih Lin);李能慧(Neng-Huei Lee);陳惠蘋(Hui-Ping Chen)


金門意象 ; 訴求策略 ; 廣告效果 ; 文創品 ; Kinmen image ; appeal strategies ; advertising effects ; cultural & creative products




15卷3期(2018 / 09 / 01)


355 - 383






Cultural and Creative Industry is considered the 4th wave of economic energy after the IT Industry. It also the important index of national "Soft Power". Countries around the world all actively promote the Cultural and Creative Industry. In the trend of globalization, the unique traditional cultural features from various regions seemed as local characteristics. If the products are short of unique and regional properties, they can't arouse the consumers' desire to buy. In our study, we take the Kinmen image (Min-nan image, battle field image and natural ecology) as a focus, combined with appeal strategies (rational and emotional appeals) to discuss the effect of advertising effect on consumers. The research was designed by 3 cultural images combined with 2 appeal strategies. With 3*2 experiment design study. The results of research indicate different Kinmen image can affect the advertising effect. Thus, different appeal strategies have no significant difference among the advertisement. Kinmen image and appeal strategies have interactive effects on advertising effects.

主题分类 社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 管理學
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