


Courtesy Costs Nothing?!: Exploring the Moderation Effect of Over-Attentive Service on the Service Encounter toward Service Outcome


楊主行(Chu-Hsing Yang);劉嘉麒(Chia-Chi Liu)


過度服務 ; 服務接觸 ; 顧客情緒 ; 服務結果 ; over-attentive service ; service encounter ; customer emotion ; service outcome




16卷1期(2019 / 03 / 01)


1 - 24






In recent, the service industry has a significant importance in the market, and service level between service industries is getting higher and higher, even exceeding customer expectations. This article examines the moderation effect of over-attentive service among the service encounter, customer emotion, and service outcome. Our data were collected via four TASTY steak restaurants survey of 441 participants. The results showed service encounter were positive significantly toward customer emotion and service outcome. Customer emotion was also positive significantly toward service outcome. In addition, our study examines the moderation effect via Johnson - Neyman technique, and the over-attentive service was significantly moderating the relationship among the service encounter, customer emotion, and service outcome. The results indicated that the decline effect was happened in relationship between service encounter and service outcome When the customer feels the critical point for the negative of over-attentive service. Finally, we present implications and future directions for research and practice related to service industries.

主题分类 社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 管理學
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