


Information Asymmetry, Trust, and Purchase Intention in Sharing Economy Platforms - Reputation and the Feedback Mechanism as Moderators


宋峻豪(Jun-Hao Sung);王昱凱(Yu-Kai Wang)


共享經濟平台 ; 資訊不對稱 ; 信任 ; 購買意願 ; information asymmetry ; purchase intention ; sharing economy platform ; trust




16卷1期(2019 / 03 / 01)


25 - 51






In the context of sharing economy platforms, this study offers and empirically tests an integrated model to explore the antecedents of purchase intention. By conducting a survey of 198 subjects and analyzing by structural equation modeling, this study's empirical results largely support the hypotheses. The findings contribute by helping us better understand the relationship between information asymmetry and trust in the context of sharing economy platforms. Contrary to the traditional viewpoint that information asymmetry favoring suppliers negatively impacts trust in the suppliers, this study finds a positive influence in this particular setting. This reflects that users expect that sharing economy platforms select and allow proper suppliers to offer their goods and services on the platforms and thus generate endorsement effects by adding the role of sharing economy platforms. This study adds to prior research that focuses on the direct effects of reputation and the feedback mechanism by enhancing our knowledge on how reputation and the feedback mechanism act as moderators in an integrated model on purchase intention. Practical implications and suggestions based on these findings are discussed.

主题分类 社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 管理學
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