


Online Interaction for Social Network Websites to Enhance Locial Identity: A Case of Promoting Dapeng Bay Waterfornt Cartival Activities


黃錦祥(Jin-Shiang Huang);王馨葦(Hsin-Wei Wang);王大瑾(Da-Jinn Wang)


虛擬社群 ; 推敲可能模式 ; 在地認同 ; virtual community ; elaboration likelihood model ; local identity




16卷2期(2019 / 12 / 31)


115 - 135




在地認同對發揚地方文化傳承至關重要。Web 2.0已成為現代社會溝通交流的重要平台,透過虛擬社群進行在地訊息分享與情感交流,不僅能凝聚在地方意識,也能促進在地文化的認同。本研究以大鵬灣水上嘉年華活動為文化活動標的,藉由研究者透過專家訪談方式蒐集資料,以瞭解在地節慶活動之社群網站經營方法。並從推敲可能性模式的觀點,探索中央路徑與邊陲路徑,如何對線上互動與說服過程產生社群說服的效果。在理論貢獻上,建立了網路社群互動與說服過程如何影響在地意識形成與發展的觀點;在實務貢獻上,也能提供使本地居民與外來遊客對大鵬灣金三角地區在地認同提升的虛擬社群經營策略。


Local identity plays an essential role in promoting local culture and heritages. Web2.0 has been widely accepted as a communication platform in a modern society. Sharing information and emotions through virtual community can not only aggregate local awareness but also promote the recognition of local culture. In this study, we discuss the influence of online interaction on the recognition of local waterfront carnival activities and cultural identity through official and private websites for promoting Dapeng Bay area. This research adopts interviews to understand the communication efforts of two discinct websites. By applying Elaboration Likelihood Model possibility of the model, we verified how the central path and the peripheral path influence online interaction and persuasion process, and thus affect the local cultural identity of the virtual community members. Our results offered a theoretical viewpoint to explain the influence of online interaction and persuasion process on the formation and development of local awareness. In practical contributions, our findings would provide insights into forming virtual community strategies to enhance the feeling of local identity in Dapeng Bay Golden Triangle district for local residents and foreign tourists.

主题分类 社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 管理學
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