


Proactive Personality and Place Attachment: A Moderated Mediation of Cultural Experience and Responsible Environmental Behavior


林建信(Chien-Hsin Lin);蔡明翰(Ming-Han Tsai)


積極人格 ; 地方依附 ; 文化體驗 ; 負責任環境行為 ; proactive personality ; place attachment ; cultural experience ; responsible environmental behavior




17卷2期(2020 / 12 / 31)


179 - 206






Festival and cultural tourism have become popular tourist patterns in recent years. Visitors can have a deep understanding of the historical heritage and cultural trace through cultural experience. The purpose of this study is to research whether the tourists with proactive personality will improve place attachment through responsible environmental behavior. Furthermore, to analyze the moderated mediation effect of cultural experience on the relationship between proactive personality and place attachment. The study focused on the tourists who had participated the Qingshui Land Art Festival in the Taichung City. Totals of 262 valid questionnaires were collected. Based on the research findings: 1. Proactive personality positively affected place attachment. 2. Responsible environmental behavior has mediating effect in the relationship between proactive personality and place attachment. 3. Cultural experience moderates the relationship between proactive personality and place attachment. 4. Cultural experience has moderated mediation effect between proactive personality and place attachment. Based on the results above, some theoretical and practical implications are proposed: 1.Cultural experience can strengthen the direct effect of proactive personality on place attachment, but weaken the indirect effect of proactive personality on place attachment through responsible environmental behavior. 2.Combining with local features, the public sector need to develop a completely cultural experience marketing strategy. 3.To increase visitors' place attachment, a series of activities need to be conducted concerning environmental protection.

主题分类 社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 管理學
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