


The Effect and Predicting of Taiwan's International Trade Balance to Its Competition


林瑞山(Ruey-Shan Lin);吳岱樺(Tai-Hua Wu)


順逆差 ; 競爭力 ; ARIMA ; 轉移函數 ; 時間序列 ; favorable and unfavorable balance ; competitiveness ; ARIMA ; transfer function ; time series




1卷2期(2007 / 09 / 01)


87 - 104






For a long time, Taiwan has mostly presented the situation of the favorable balance to global international trade. The competitiveness among each country in the world is compared and assessed. International trade is often classified as one of the benchmarks. Therefore, to understand Taiwan's international trade's favorable balance and unfavorable balance in the global trade market will have any competitiveness influence? It is an important issue that is worth exploring. This research is built and constructed using the ARIMA transfer function model which shows Taiwan's international trade's favorable and unfavorable balance to global trade's competitiveness, the result shows that international trade's favorable and unfavorable balance at the seasonal t(superscript th) period's changes (▽12) and increases one unit (ten billion US dollars ), will have a positive significance (Pr value<0.0001)influencing the international trade competitiveness at the seasonal t(superscript th) period's changes (▽12), the weight influenced is 0.520467. Namely, the growth of the international favorable trade balance will promote the growth of the international trade competitiveness. On the contrary, the decline of the international favorable trade balance will drive the decline of the international trade competitiveness. Therefore in Taiwan, the government or enterprise managements should take up a supporting attitude that can promote the growth of the international trade's favorable balance. On the contrary, avoid relevant policies that may make the international favorable trade balance decline. This research constructed the ARIMA transfer function model to predict Taiwan's international trade competitiveness in the future year to come.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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