


A Study of Consumer's Decision-Makng Style Influencing Counterfeit Purchase Intentions


廖田田(Tien-Tien Liao)


仿冒品 ; 消費者決策型態 ; counterfeit ; consumer decision process




3卷1期(2009 / 03 / 01)


313 - 331




隨著社會經濟快速起飛,仿冒品的品質與數量明顯增長,仿冒品伴隨而來的不僅是消費者對品牌的不信任,更大大降低產品的品牌價值。以往對於仿冒品的文獻多集中於製造商的供應面(Carty, 1994; Olsen & Granzin, 1992; Bush et al., 1989; Onkvisit & Shaw, 1989; Bamossy & Scammon, 1985)及消費者的需求面(Cordell et al., 1996; Wee et al., 1995),本研究則根據Sproles及Kendall於1986年提出的決策型態觀念,以台灣消費者的八種決策型態來探討仿冒品購買意願的關係。 Sproles and Kendall(1986)所提出的消費者決策型態旨在說明消費者的基本購買決策,此決策對於商品、服務、購買情境有一貫性,也就是說消費者的決策型態不會隨著時間的改變而不同,消費意願仍維持與以往一樣的決策,消費者的購買意願不受外在可變動因素影響,以此來探討消費者對仿冒品的購買意願更能釐清消費者對仿冒品購買的中心思想。藉由瞭解消費者的內在決策型態進而研擬相關做法,才能有別於過往政府嚴加取締的消極作法,真正有效遏阻仿冒。基於上述,了解台灣消費者購買仿冒品的消費決策型態是非常重要的。


With the rapid emergence of the world economy, the quality and quantity of the counterfeit products have evidently increased. The counterfeits not only bring the distrust towards the brand names for the consumers, but also decrease the brand values tremendously. The previous literature on the counterfeits mostly centralize the discussions on the supply of the manufacturers (Carty, 1994; Olsen & Granzin, 1992; Bush et al., 1989; Onkvisit & Shaw, 1989; Bamossy & Scammon, 1985) and the demand of the consumers (Cordell et al., 1996; Wee et al., 1995). This research will base on the decision process theory suggested by Sproles and Kendall in 1986 and refer it to the 8 decision process of the Taiwanese consumers for further elaboration on the relationships of the purchasing desires of the counterfeits. Sproles and Kendall (1986) have addressed the idea of consumer decision process to elaborate the primary purchase decisions made by the potential consumers. The decision is coherent with the product, services provided and the purchasing environment. This indicates that the consumer purchasing decision process will not differ by the change of the time, and the purchasing desire will maintain as usual. The purchasing desire of the consumers will not be influenced by the external variables, which is essentially applied in this research to further explore the consumers’ purchasing desire; this would help to differentiate the core ideas of the consumer purchasing behaviors for the counterfeits. Through the understanding of the intrinsic decision process of the consumers, relevant actions will be made for preventing the counterfeits effectively; this would be different from the previous negative responses resulted from the strict government bans. In observance of the above reasons, it is thus extremely important to comprehend the purchase decision process of the Taiwanese consumers for the counterfeits.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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