
專題演講 企業倫理、和平共生對企業全球化發展之重要性


Importance of Business Ethics and Peaceful Symbiosis to Enterprise's Globalization


林彩梅(Tsai-Mei Lin)


企業倫理 ; 和平共生 ; 和平文化經營理念 ; 異文化管理 ; Business Ethics ; Peaceful Symbiosis ; Managerial Philosophy of Peace Culture ; Cross-cultural Management




3卷1期(2009 / 03 / 01)


s1 - s21




廿一世紀企業全球化發展,不僅要持有高科技產品,卓越管理與科技人才,擴大的國際市場,甚至採取併購策略,成為更龐大的多國籍企業,但也因企業缺乏企業倫理、產業道德造成安隆公司破產事件、雷曼兄弟公司破產事件等對世界經濟以及失業率嚴重影響,況且MNE跨國異文化管理面臨異文化異民族,不同種族、不同宗教信仰等之衝突問題,領導者必須持有「和平文化經營理念」,以和平共生精神加強企業倫理,產業道德以及融合本土化與全球化,獲得異文化、異民族的支持與團結,才能提高國際市場競爭力。由此可知MNE永續之發展必須持有企業倫理、產業道德以及世界市民和平共生精神。聯合國對MNE有道德之規範,對待工人的倫理、對待消費者的倫理、保護地主國環境倫理、對待地主國的倫理、以及尊重基本人權的倫理。國際企業領導者會議以及全球聯盟,也都強調企業必須有倫理道德。J. H. Dunning等學者們也一致認為若政府、企業和人民缺乏「倫理基礎」,企業和國家經濟將會導致失敗。 研究結論發現,公司必須以「倫理為基礎」之管理,其優勢可避免負面輿論,可增加社會的接受度,對價格與目標的利害關係人皆有正面影響,對供應商與購買商之間的關係必更穩定、可靠與長久,亦能獲得具有「專業」與「倫理知能」盡忠職守的優秀員工,企業承諾長期倫理準則,可提昇公司信譽,企業全球化必能更加發展。尤其MNE領導者必須持有「和平文化經營理念」,世界市民「和平共生」精神,重視企業倫理、產業道德,企業經營為全人類利益極大化,以及王道文化管理,將會採取對地主國最佳之第三文化管理(整合第一與第三文化管理之優點),擬定卓越管理制度、優厚福利內涵,獲得異文化、異民族、種族與宗教不同之同仁的支持與團結,提高員工士氣,提昇企業的國際聲望,提高國際競爭力,MNE與地主國共存共榮,共享繁榮與幸福的社會。


Globalizations of MNEs in the 21st century need not only hi-tech products, extraordinary management and technical staffs, large scale of international markets and efficient merging policies, but also concerns of business ethics and peaceful symbiosis. The bankruptcies of Enron and Lehman Brothers were both due to absences of business ethics and manager's moral attitudes, and which had lead to serious recession and unemployment for global economy. MNEs face the challenges to run business under cross-cultural, cross-racial and cross-religion conflicts, the management need to posses ”Managerial Philosophy of Peace Culture”. By creating business ethics and integrating cultural differences on the basis of peaceful symbiosis, MNEs will gradually obtain unification and cooperation from peoples in different cultures and races. Not only UN has ethical codes as: moral standards, ethics to deal with employees, ethics to deal with consumers, ethics to protect host countries’ environments, ethics to deal with host countries and ethics to protect basic human rights for MNEs, also, leaders’ conference of MNEs and global unions have all emphasized that all businesses have to posses business ethics, some well-know scholars like J.H. Dunning also indicated that absences of ethics will lead to economy failure for both countries and business. Research shows that MNEs will prevent negative comment, and increase social acceptance to run business under ethical basis. Also, Ethical attitude will create positive and stable relations with stakeholders and supply chains, gain extraordinary and ethical staffs, and speed the steps to go globalization. Leaders of MNEs should possess ”Managerial Philosophy of Peace Culture” and spirits of ”Peaceful Symbiosis”, adopt benevolent and the third culture (integrate superior cultures of both mother and host countries)management and enlarge employee welfare. Through which, MNEs will gain unification and cooperation from peoples in different cultures and races, then lead to co-abundant for both MNEs and host countries.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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