


Consumer Ethics and Textbook Piracy Behavior


鄭焜中(Kun-Chung Cheng);莊銘國(Ming-Kuo Chuang);陳霖賢(Lin-Shian Chen);羅文華(Wen-Hua Lo)


消費者倫理 ; 盜版翻印 ; 中介檢定 ; textbook piracy ; consumer ethics ; mediation ; ethical consumption behavior




3卷2期(2009 / 09 / 01)


115 - 136






In the business environment that is becoming increasingly global, the need for proper safeguards for protecting intellectual property assets is increasingly becoming critical. Specifically, textbook piracy is becoming economically devastating to companies that publish and market textbooks. Textbook piracy can be defined as the unauthorized use of textbook or the unauthorized distribution of copies of textbook without permission being given by the owner. Some researchers have argued that consumer ethics regarding textbook piracy of individuals may be related to the extent of actual textbook piracy behavior. Drawing on a marketing ethics perspective, this paper suggests that consumer ethics serves an important function for ethical consumption intention and that this role, mediated by ethical consumption attitude, has a significant influence on ethical consumption behaviors. A survey was administered to undergraduate and graduate students. A student's ethical consumption belief was found to be directly related to the student's propensity to pirate textbook. The results have implications for developing and implementing appropriate policies to reduce textbook piracy.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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