Some scholars held opposition to business ethics, such as Hayek, Friedman, both are famous managerial scholars in the world. They argued that business ethics will not only cut down short term profit but also distort resource application. On the contrary, some other famous managerial scholars in the world, such as Drucker, Steiner, they are favorable to business ethics. They all agreed with business ethics could create profit in long term by promoted business ethics. As we mentioned about globalization, some facts showed even MNE violated business ethics and its harm was so serious and uncontrollable. For examples, Anron, the milk powder productions contaminated by Melamine chemicals in China and Lehman Brother, eventually we faced world financial crisis.This study base on qualitative research, research data collect from existing literatures and secondary data. With integrate both theory and empirical cases, then offered some propositions of this article. All the efforts hope could contribute and expand the ontology of business ethics.
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