


The Relationship between Psychological Empowerment and Workplace Deviance Behavior


鄭清揚(Ching-Yang Cheng)


心理賦權 ; 職場偏差行為 ; Psychological Empowerment ; Workplace Deviance behavior




5卷2期(2011 / 09 / 01)


59 - 77






Workplace deviance is a pervasive and expansive problem for organization. For expanding the epistemic sphere on workplace deviance behavior, the research use psychological empowerment as an independent variable to explore the relationships in both employee psychological empowerment and workplace deviance behavior. The research group is for Taipei information technology industry employees and their superiors. The results came to 214 transversely effective samples and support most of our hypotheses by the examination of statistical analysis. First, the competence of psychological empowerment was the cause to reduce workplace deviance behavior (includes interpersonal deviance behavior and organizational deviance behavior). Second, the meaning of psychological empowerment was the cause to reduce workplace deviance behavior (includes interpersonal deviance behavior and organizational deviance behavior). Finally, the self-determination of psychological empowerment was the cause to reduce workplace deviance behavior (includes interpersonal deviance behavior and organizational deviance behavior).We discusses the implications of these results for future on organization justice and workplace deviance behavior.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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