


The Effects of External Relationship Integration and Risk on Supply Chain




張景行(Ching-Hsing Chang);王俊賢(Chun-Hsien Wang);蔡念庭(Nian-Ting Tsai);蘇于雯(Yu-Wen Su)


供應鏈外部關係整合 ; 供應鏈風險 ; 開放式創新 ; 價值共創 ; 供應鏈績效 ; supply chain performance ; supply chain external relationship integration ; supply chain risk ; open innovation ; value co-creating




8卷2期(2014 / 09 / 01)


103 - 122






The primary issue of the study is to exam the relationships among external relations integrations, supply chain risk, and open innovation impaction supply chain performance. In addition, we further examine the role of moderating of open innovation and value co-creation in above-mention relationships. Through a large-scale survey, we finding that: the extend of external relationship integration of supply chain has positive effects on supply chain performance; supply chain performance is negatively affected by supply chain risk; open innovation and value co-creating can significantly bring positive moderating effects on the relationship between external relationship integration and supply chain performance; open innovation and value co-creating cannot mitigate the negative effect of supply chain risk.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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