


The Relationship between Corporate Governance and Performance: A Comparison between Family-owned Business and Non-family-owned Business




廖采如(Tsai-Ju Liao);陳涵苡(Hang-Yi Chen)


家族企業 ; 公司治理 ; 代理理論 ; 資源依賴理論 ; family-owned business ; corporate governance ; the agency theory and the resource dependency theory




8卷2期(2014 / 09 / 01)


181 - 204






Since tunnelling listed corporations by controlling shareholders has been regareded as a serious problem, researches have suggested to use different types of corporate governance mechanisms to protect minority shareholders' interests and to improve firm performance. Due to the very different natures between busienss-owned and non-family-owned business, this study compares the relationships between institutional ownership ties, independent directors, the internalization of chairmans and presidents, and organizational performance of family-owned and non-family-owned business. Given the fact that different institutional ownership ties are related to different agency relationships and external resources, this study further separates institutional ownership ties into three types: prior-partner institutional ownership, ultimate-controlling-party institutional ownership, and outsider institutional ownership. This study integrates the agency theory and the resource dependency theory to compare the effect of different corporate governance mechanisms on the performance of family-owned and non-family-owned business, based on a sample of Taiwanese listed corporations from 2008-2011. The study has the following findings: (1) prior-partner institutional ownership has a positive impact on the performance of family-owned and non-family-owned business; (2) ultimate-controlling-party institutional ownership has a positive impact on the performance of non-family-owned business, rather than on that of family-owned business; (3) outsider institutional ownership has a positive impact on the performance of non-family-owned business, rather than on that of family-owned business; (4) independent directors have a positive impact on the performance of family-owned business, rather than on that of non-family-owned business; (5) the internalization of chairmans and presidents has a positive impact on the performance of non-family-owned business, rather than on that of family-owned business.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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