The Golden Age of cultural history in Spain occurs at the peak of the development of Spanish Empire. In the mean time, movements of religious reformation in Europe started like wildfire. In order to turn the tide, the Spanish Empire made vigorous efforts to improve political prestige and the religious faith with zeal. These made the culture of this time solemn. The article mainly focuses on the religious paintings of El Greco in this time. Born in Crete of Greek, the painter El Greco became famous in Spain. Many of his works are related to religion. By integrating the arts of Byzantine, Venice and Rome, he had created unique painting style, image and atmosphere which are unusual and cunning, mysterious and palpitating with terror. Thus, he was called 'the Master of Mannerism'. Meanwhile, he was called 'the Painter of Mysticism'. It looked as if he had returned to the Middle Age and found the simplest and most devout power from the deepest of the soul in religious faith. Here investigates how the Master of Mannerism liberated himself from the classical principles in his time without being influenced by secular activities of the Renaissance. He had overthrown the trend of being loyal to the visual representation in style. Through his unique painting style, he recited holy stories. Four religious paintings selected in the article, the writer attempts to express how El Greco became the best interpreter of faith in his time in Spain.
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