


Shadowing and Second Language Teaching




楊承淑(Cheng-Shu Yang);鄧敏君(Min-Chun Teng);陳韶琪(Shao-Chi Chen)


跟述的定義 ; 跟述的類別 ; 跟述教材 ; 課堂實踐 ; the definition of shadowing ; categorization of shadowing ; shadowing teaching materials ; pedagogy ; in language teaching




7期(2010 / 07 / 31)


65 - 105






This study examines the major characteristics and functions of the definition, attributes, categorization and applications of shadowing training, which is commonly used in interpretation training. This study also examines the differences between shadowing training in second language teaching and shadowing in interpretation training, in terms of purpose, method, characteristics and implementation. This study also explores the current status, special characteristics and problems involved in shadowing training in second language teaching; this exploration will be done through literature review and practical examples, as well as examination of shadowing teaching methods and current shadowing teaching materials.<BR>First, this study reviews academic literature on shadowing training in Taiwan and Japan. Next, the definition attributes, and function of shadowing and similarities and differences between shadowing in interpretation training and shadowing in second language teaching will be identified. Additionally, English and Japanese shadowing teaching materials from recent years are analyzed to examine their contents and attached explanations, to serve as additional references for the application of shadowing in second language teaching. Finally, prior studies are tested against in-class teaching experiences, in terms of second language listening, speaking and reading abilities. From this, practical suggestions for shadowing training can be produced.

主题分类 人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 外國文學
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