


The Idea of "Kingdom of God" in four Apostolic Drawings in Cheng Shi Muo Yuan: An Approach based on Apostolic Strategies of Missionaries in 16(superscript th) and 17(superscript th) Centuries




黃渼婷(Mei-Tin Huang)


西方傳教士 ; 天國 ; 新天新地 ; 基督信仰與真 ; 跨文化傳遞 ; Missionary ; Kingdom of God ; Heaven ; Christianity ; Cross-cultural Transmission




8期(2011 / 07 / 31)


127 - 149






The missionaries in 16(superscript th) and 17(superscript th) centuries came to Goa in India with hope to transmit the ”Truth” of Christianity into China. They got a dream to evangelize this country. How did they spread the ”Truth” with their cross-cultural understanding on the culture dominated by Confucianism? This paper focuses on analyzing Truth of Christianity:” Kingdom of God” in four apostolic drawings given by Matteo Ricci based on his apostolic Strategies in Cheng Shi Muo Yuan.

主题分类 人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 外國文學
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