


Strategies of Second Foreign Language Teaching in a Big Class of Non-Foreign-Language-Department




葉聯娟(Lien-Chuan Yeh)


大班級第二外語教學 ; 學生本位的教學 ; 學習動機的建立 ; 學習行為的改變 ; 多元教學法 ; second foreign language teaching in a big class ; learner-centered teaching ; establishment of learning motivation ; change of learning behavior ; diverse teaching methods




9期(2012 / 07 / 31)


155 - 175






In accordance with the tendency of internationalization and globalization, more and more universities offer second foreign languages curriculum. Since fall semester 2010 the author of this article has been teaching German in the Department of Financial and Economic Law. This Course is an obligatory course of ”non-foreign-language- department” and is taught in ”a big class of over 60 students”. According to the teaching experiences, the author will state the teaching difficulties with a big class and will discuss, based on curriculum study goal, students' characteristics and other curriculum conditions, how to use diverse teaching activities to help students establish a good second foreign language learning behavior and achieve a good learning effect. In this course the following methods ”Hearing, Speaking and Translating”, ”Dialog Schema”, ”Culture Contrast Sketch”, ”Language Learning Plays” and ”Total Physical Response” are applied to break the limit of the teaching conditions with/in a big class. Right at the beginning the teacher faced many problems. Some students lacked motivation and did not want to invest their time for this course. But after the application above mentioned teaching activities had been applied, this course got high recognition in students' evaluation: 4.80 and 4.83. In the questionnaire at the end of the summer semester, 65% of students said, that they participated in this curriculum highly, 33% participated moderately and 93% of students answered, that they are willing to learn German again, if there is an opportunity.

主题分类 人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 外國文學
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