


Freshmen's Attitudes towards English Proficiency Tests Given by the University-a Preliminary Study




彭貞淑(Jen-Shwu Peng);陳麗卿(Li-Ching Chen);許健哲(Chien-Che Hsu);李素貞(Sue-Chen Lee)


大一學生 ; 英語能力檢測 ; 態度 ; 英語畢業門檻、因素分析 ; English Proficiency Test ; Freshman ; Factor Analysis ; Attitudes




9期(2012 / 07 / 31)


99 - 125




為提高國人英語能力以增強國際競爭力,並因應企業對於大學畢業生人力資源上的能力需求,因此近幾年來,教育部要求各大專院校制定英語能力檢測指標作為畢業門檻之一。然而英語能力畢業門檻的實施是否真正符合學生的需求,是相當值得關注的。本研究以Likert五點量表問卷調查新北市F大學之大一學生對校內英語能力檢測的態度及需求,回收有效問卷330份。本研究利用因素分析統計方法,以主成份分析法萃取出五個影響態度的主要因素面向:(一)「測驗的正面價值面向」:本研究發現參與測驗的學生多數肯定校內英語能力檢測對系上專業課程的學習及日後升學、就業有幫助, 學生對於檢測本身的「價值性」抱持正向及認同之態度。(二)「主動學習面向」:學生除了上課要求外,仍會主動尋求其他途徑以加強個人英文能力。(三)「事前準備面向」:顯示學生並沒有因為檢測的實施而特別投入事前準備工作。(四)「測驗項目面向」:學生普遍認為除了閱讀與寫作之外,本次檢測應該納入聽力、口說語言溝通能力之測驗內容。(五)「自信心面向」:本因素顯示即使是「基本」英語能力測驗,在考試過後的調查中,仍發現許多學生自信心不足。本研究之最後結果及建議可供教師、學校及行政人員參考,並且有助於實施校內英語能力檢測制度的順利推行。


This research was conducted to examine students' attitudes towards English proficiency tests given by the university. Three hundred and thirty valid questionnaires were collected from nine colleges in the university. Factor analysis of the data revealed five important factors relevant to the tests: positive test value, independent study, test preparation, test question pattern and confidence. Significantly, students recognize these tests as beneficial for their future development either in further study or for their career advancement. Secondly, students spend more time autonomously to improve their English proficiency. Thirdly, most students do not prepare specifically for the test. Fourthly, except for reading and writing tests, students prefer to have a listening component in the proficiency test. Finally, even after completing the test, students don't have confidence in their test-taking ability. Advice and the appropriate time to give the listening test will be given. More studies, such as cross analysis between entrance exam scores and proficiency test scores, or focusing on students of differing levels of proficiency, are suggested for future follow-up studies.

主题分类 人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 外國文學
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