This research was conducted to examine students' attitudes towards English proficiency tests given by the university. Three hundred and thirty valid questionnaires were collected from nine colleges in the university. Factor analysis of the data revealed five important factors relevant to the tests: positive test value, independent study, test preparation, test question pattern and confidence. Significantly, students recognize these tests as beneficial for their future development either in further study or for their career advancement. Secondly, students spend more time autonomously to improve their English proficiency. Thirdly, most students do not prepare specifically for the test. Fourthly, except for reading and writing tests, students prefer to have a listening component in the proficiency test. Finally, even after completing the test, students don't have confidence in their test-taking ability. Advice and the appropriate time to give the listening test will be given. More studies, such as cross analysis between entrance exam scores and proficiency test scores, or focusing on students of differing levels of proficiency, are suggested for future follow-up studies.
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