


Study of the Verbs Used in the Reading Comprehension Examinations of the Diplomas in Spanish as a Foreign Language (DELE)


呂羅雪(Lo-Hsueh Lu);林恆卉(Heng-Hui Lin)


西班牙語檢定考試 ; 動詞 ; 文章主題 ; 文章類型 ; 西班牙語閱讀 ; DELE ; Verb ; Text theme ; Text type ; Spanish reading




11期(2014 / 07 / 31)


1 - 37




本論文旨在於透過語料庫工具(Corpus Tool),標註和分析西班牙語檢定考試DELE(B1,B2)等級之閱讀測驗中的動詞時態和語氣。第一、探討動詞時態和語氣使用之頻率高低。第二、瞭解閱讀測驗之文章類型和主題特色。第三、檢視動詞時態和語氣與文章類型和主題之間的互動關係。希望研究結果可以提供西班牙語教學者相關閱讀教學之參考,協助他們把DELE閱讀測驗和西班牙語閱讀教學整合在一起,同時也提供西班牙語學習者一個瞭解DELE(B1,B2)閱讀測驗的平台,達到自我進修,提升西班牙語閱讀能力,以及通過西班牙語檢定考試B1或B2等級閱讀測驗之最終目的。


This paper aims to investigate the verbs used in the Reading Comprehension Examinations of DELE. Integrating the theories and techniques of Corpus Linguistics, specially the "Corpus Tool" by UAM, we plan to observe the verbs used by the Spanish speaking people because the verbs as their grammatical function are very important in foreign language learning. The data that we are going to discuss are collected from the written texts in the Reading Comprehension Examination of level B1 and B2. In the beginning, we'll analyze the use of the verbs in the temporal and aspectual domain. Then, we tend to study the frequency of use of the verbs that appear in different texts included in the tests from 2005 to 2009. Then, we will study the text type and theme in order to be aware of the preference of the text chosen in DELE. Finally, we will discuss the interrelationship among text themes and text types as well as the use of verbs. We hope that the expected results of our research will provide useful references for teaching Spanish reading and for improving students' reading comprehension as well as for giving useful guide to those who want to pass DELE examinations in the future.

主题分类 人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 外國文學
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