


The Motivation of Translation Learning: Definition and Research Construct


彭健銘(James C. M. Peng)


翻譯 ; 學習動機 ; 翻譯學習 ; 翻譯教學 ; 研究架構 ; translation ; learning motivation ; translation learning ; translation teaching ; research construct




11期(2014 / 07 / 31)


101 - 139




翻譯研究(Translation Studies)於二十世紀70年代以後開始發展,逐漸成為一門獨立的學科。但目前的翻譯教學與學習在理論、實務及研究方法各方面仍深受外語教學與習得領域的影響。近年來翻譯教學與學習受到重視,國內的大學院校陸續成立翻譯系所及開設翻譯課程。但翻譯教學的成效往往未如預期,其中一個原因可能在於學生的翻譯學習動機(translation learning motivation)低落,或是翻譯教學的內容與方式無法提升學生對課程的興趣,學習傾向被動,學生甚至僅以課程要求(requirement)作為修習翻譯課程的動機。目前已發表的翻譯教學研究在課程規劃、教學方法、學習的需求及型態等均有建設性的成果,但以大學英語或翻譯系所學生為研究對象的翻譯學習動機研究則幾近闕如,有鑑於此,本文旨在為翻譯學習動機提供初步的概念與實務應用,參照第二語言習得(Second Language Acquisition)領域的學習動機理論,探討各種影響翻譯學習動機的因素,以建構符合課室學習情境的翻譯學習動機論述,並擬定研究學生學習動機的研究架構。期望本文能作為國內翻譯教師在教學上的參考,以提升翻譯教學及學習的成效。


Translation Studies has started its development since the 1970s and later formed an independent discipline. However, translation teaching and learning is deeply affected by the discipline of foreign language teaching and acquisition. In recent years translation teaching and learning has been valued and domestic universities and colleges have built up translation departments and graduate institutes and designed translation courses, but translation teaching has not achieved its full effectiveness. One of its reasons is students' low motivation for learning translation. Another reason could be that translation teaching is not so interesting that students have lost their passion for learning and even regard requirements as the only factor in learning translation. The published researches on translation learning are mainly about curriculum design, teaching methods, learning needs and style, but those on English or translation majors' motivations for learning translation have yet to be published. In regard to the afore-mentioned reasons, this research is aimed at providing primary concepts and practical application of motivations for learning translation. On the basis of the theories of second language learning motivation, it explores all factors in learning motivations of translation to form the statement of motivations for learning translation that is fit to classroom-based learning context and create the research framework of students' learning motivation. It is expected that this research could be the reference for translation teachers to enhance the effects of translation teaching and learning.

主题分类 人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 外國文學
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