


援用OPI概念的教學初探-以非日語系初學者為例-|Foreign Language Teaching Using OPI Skills for Elementary-Level Non-Japanese-Major Learners


陳姿菁(Tzu-Ching CHEN)


OPI ; 突き上げ ; 会話 ; 非日本語専攻 ; 初級 ; OPI ; 探測 ; 會話 ; 非日語相關科系 ; 初級|OPI ; probes ; conversation ; non-Japanese-major learners ; elementary-level




16期(2020 / 07 / 31)


57 - 83




本研究は非日本語専攻の初級学習者を対象に、会話能力測定テストの一つであるOPI(Oral Proficiency Interview)的概念を取り入れた教室活動を報告する。初級学習者の会話能力は限られているため、教室活動は文型や暗記が中心になる傾向が強く、会話能力が試されるコミュニケーションを伴う活動は制限される。本研究では、OPIの概念を取り入れ、初級者でもやり取りのできるコミュニケーションによる会話活動を試みた。また、活動後にはアンケートにより学習者の感想を調査した。アンケートの結果から学習者の多くは、この会話活動を高く評価し、更に自分の置かれた状況に臨機応変に対応するために有用であると評価していることが分った。


本研究主旨在探討以非日語相關科系初學者為對象進行的OPI(Oral Proficiency Interview)口語能力測驗概念的教學活動。傳統的語言教學過度重視文法,往往忽略學習者會話能力的養成。而初級程度的學習者受限於會話能力,教學活動更容易流於背誦文法與單字,缺少互動性。如果要維持學習者的學習動機,筆者認為要跳脫機械式反覆的模式,須讓學習者體會應用第二外語互動的樂趣。此活動援用OPI的概念讓初學者在有限的能力裡進行初步的交際活動。活動後調查結果顯示多數學習者認為此活動設計對於臨機應變的狀況是有助益的。|Traditional language teaching highlights grammar in practice to an extent that learners' conversational ability has often been under-addressed. This is especially true for elementary-level learners of Japanese whose major is not Japanese, and who may be less confident in their communication. Under these circumstances, grammar as well as vocabulary becomes the focus of teaching. However, when learners' motivation is considered, how to make them aware of the fun of foreign language communication, rather than just engaging in repeated grammar drills, seems to be one of the important pedagogical areas that should not be overlooked. To address the above concern, this study implemented a teaching activity applying the OPI (Oral Proficiency Interview) concept for elementary-level non-Japanese-majors. This teaching activity could not only provide lively contexts for learners to try their best with their limited communication competence, but could also create exciting opportunities for them to overcome their communication barriers. A follow-up questionnaire was then administered to explore the potential strengths and weaknesses of the teaching activity. The study found that the learners highly appreciated the value of the teaching activity that was assisted by the OPI skills. Most questionnaire respondents also expressed positive views on this kind of activity that proved helpful to the non-Japanese-major learners with limited ability to communicate in Japanese.

主题分类 人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 外國文學
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