


Different Voices: Exploring the Difference of Psychosocial Reactions to Traumatic Event between Female and Male Survivors




林耀盛(Yaw-Sheng Lin);陳淑惠(Sue-Huei Chen);洪福建(Fu-Chien Hung);曾旭民(Hsu-Min Tseng)


災難 ; 創傷 ; 症狀 ; 性別 ; Disaster ; Trauma ; Symptom ; Gender




2卷1期(2005 / 06 / 01)


31 - 40




目的:本文以研究者長期參與災後心理重建的田野觀察紀錄、實徵資料蒐集,以及既有文獻的交叉比較,嘗試勾勒「九二一」震災後三至六個月問,不同性別受創者的心理社會反應經驗。 方法:震災發生三個月到半年問,研究者於南投縣某三個受災鄉鎮與台中縣某一個受災鄉鎮,進行心理社會反應問卷測量,共抽取324名樣本(男性佔36.1%,平均年齡為48.0歲;女性佔63.9%,平均年齡為40.1歲)。 結果:本研究顯示,在「心理症狀層面」,無論是在地震發生當時或施測當下,女性呈現高比例報告出身心症狀。無論性別,受創者在「身體健康」與「心理/精神健康」狀態層面,均逾五成報告出普遍變差的趨勢。但在「人際關係層面」,女性較傾向於覺察自己與配偶,以及與周遭他者的人際關係,轉變為「正向」。在「人生態度層面」,受創者自我覺察的改變,發現偏悲觀變化(含悲觀很多及悲觀一些)的男性比例為41.8%,女性則為36.8%,女性不比男性更為悲觀。 結論:(1)身心症狀外,女性對置身處境人際關係變化產生正向察覺。(2)資源流失外,女性互為關照的人生態度作為緩解災變衝擊的助力。由此,女性在身心症狀層面可能是生活變動壓力惡化的脆弱因子,但人際關係的正向轉化,反倒提供一種建構新生活形態的保護因子。同時,女性較易顯現關照他者的態度,並賦予自身受創經驗的正向角度,而不會僅是從苦難的向度去看待所遭逢的災難事件。


Objective: This empirical study was undertaken three to six months after the 921 Chi-Chi Earthquake to evaluate the difference of psychosocial reactions to traumatic event between female and male adult survivors. This empirical study was undertaken three to six months after the 921 Chi-Chi Earthquake to evaluate the difference of psychosocial reactions to traumatic event between female and male adult survivors. Method: Three hundreds and twenty four exposed adults completed the self-report measures including demographic and earthquake exposure information, and the Posttraumatic Psychological Reaction Index. Approximately, the ratio of female and male participants were 2 to 1, with a mean age of 44.0±10.0 years. They were residents from Nan-Tou County and Tai-Chung County. Results: Overall, the subjects reported worsening physical and mental health status. At the time of the earthquake as well as three to six months after the disaster, female subjects manifested more somatic” symptoms, but perceived their interpersonal relationships became closer when compared with their male counterparts. In terms of life outlook, relatively equal proportions of female subjects became more optimistic, stayed unchanged, and became more pessimistic. In contrast, nearly forty percent of male subjects became more pessimistic. Conclusion: To understand the survivors' biographical disruptions and trauma transformations, it is worthy to stand at positive and health as well as negative and psychopathology aspects, rather than simply evaluate the victims' psychological reactions to the earthquake from a psychopathological viewpoint.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 預防保健與衛生學
醫藥衛生 > 社會醫學
社會科學 > 心理學
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