


The Psychometric Properties of the Chinese Version of the Cognitive Triad Inventory




古永利(Yung-Li Ku)


信度 ; 效度 ; 認知三元素 ; 憂鬱 ; reliability ; validity ; cognitive triad ; depression




11卷1/2期(2017 / 12 / 01)


1 - 18




目的:認知三元素(對自己、世界、未來的負向觀點)是Beck憂鬱認知理論中的重要假設,本研究翻譯並評估中文版認知三元素問卷(Cognitive Triad Inventory, CTI)的心理計量屬性。方法:受試者為900位大學生與300位憂鬱症患者,大學生樣本資料被隨機分割成三等份,第一組資料用做探索性因素分析,第二組資料用做驗證性因素分析,第三組資料被用來檢驗假設模式的穩定性,憂鬱症患者資料被用來檢驗假設模式的類推性。結果:二階層單因素模式被選擇為最佳模式,其由負向措詞與正向措詞的世界與未來觀點的題項所組成,此模式具有良好的內部一致性、再測信度、同時效度、區辨效度及複核效度。結論:中文版CTI模式具有良好信度與效度,可以用來測量大學生與憂鬱症患者的憂鬱認知。


Objective: An important hypothesis in Beck's cognitive theory of depression is the cognitive triad (negative view of self, the world, and the future). This study aimed to translate and evaluate the psychometric properties of the Chinese version of the Cognitive Triad Inventory (CTI). Methods: Subjects included nine hundred undergraduates and three hundred clinical depressed patients. The sample data of undergraduates were randomly divided into three sample groups of 300 sample data each. Sample one was used for exploratory factor analysis. Sample two was used for confirmatory factor analysis. Sample three was used to test the stability of the hypothesized model. The data of depressed patients were used to test the generalization of the hypothesized model. Results: The two-level one-factor model was chosen as the most appropriate model, which is composed respectively of negatively or positively phrased items related to the views of the world and the future. The model demonstrated good internal consistency, test-retest reliability, concurrent validity, discriminant validity, and cross-validation. Conclusion: The model of the Chinese version CTI has good reliability and validity. It can be used to examine the depressed cognitions in undergraduates and clinical depressed patients.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 預防保健與衛生學
醫藥衛生 > 社會醫學
社會科學 > 心理學
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