


Factors Related to the Image of Professional Nursing and Intent to Stay among Nurses in Taiwan




劉諺羲(Yan-Shi Liu);劉波兒(Po-Erh Liu);蘇淑芬(Shu-Fen Su)


護理人員 ; 護理專業形象 ; 留任意願 ; nurse ; professional image ; intent to stay




7卷2期(2011 / 04 / 01)


61 - 68




背景 錯誤的刻板印象可能侷限了護理專業的發展,專業形象過於負向則會影響工作推展與留任意願。 目的:探討影響護理人員的護理專業形象與留任意願之相關因素。 方法 橫斷式研究設計,以結構式問卷自2008年09月至2008年10月,以北台灣的護理人員為對象,共收案161位。工具包括護理專業形象量表及留任意願量表。 結果 (1)護理人員對於護理專業形象呈中等程度以上。(2)醫院評鑑等級的不同對於溝通與合作的專業形象有顯著差異。(3)婚姻與倫理素養呈現負相關。(4)護理職位的不同對終身學習的專業形象有差異。(5)護理人員的留任意願偏低。(6)不同的服務科別、目前職位與醫院評鑑等級對於留任意願有顯著的差異。(7)護理人員家中有需要被全責照顧的家屬、工作單位是內外綜合科者、服務於地區教學醫院,以及護理專業形象中的批判性思考、專業知能,對於留任意願最具解釋力,解釋力達33.7%。 結論/實務應用 建議應加強護理人員之專業核心教育、著重護理專業形象塑造及個別需求,以提升護理人員的留任意願。


Background The wrong stereotypes have limited the development of professional nursing. A negative professional image may influence a nurse's work promotion and intent to stay at work. Purpose The aim of the study was to investigate the demographic factors associated with professional image and intent to stay among nurses. Methods The design of this study was a cross-sectional survey. Participants were 161 nurses from hospitals located in North Taiwan. The period of data collection was from September to October 2008. The research instruments were the Professional Image Scale and the Intent to Stay Scale. Results (1) The image of professional nursing was at a medium level among nurses. (2) Different accreditation levels of hospitals created significant differences in the ability to communicate and cooperate. (3) Marital status was negatively related to the ethics accomplishment. (4) Various job positions showed differences in the value of lifelong learning. (5) Nurses' intent to stay was at low degree. (6) Different work units, the present job position and hospital type showed significant differences in intent to stay. (7) Nurses with a sick family member who needed total care, working in mixed-up units, district teaching hospitals, critical thinking, professional knowledge and skill were predictors of intent to stay. They explained 33.7% of the variance. Conclusions We suggest that nursing educators enhance the core course of professional identification in nursing and focus on molding the image of professional nursing in order to increase the intent to stay among nurses.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 醫藥總論
醫藥衛生 > 醫院管理與醫事行政
醫藥衛生 > 社會醫學