


The Early-Stage Amateur Performers of Tan Style and Beijing Opera's Stylized Performance: Based on the Study of Beijing Opera's Old Records before 1912




李元皓(Yuan-How Lee)


京劇 ; 譚鑫培 ; 譚派 ; 票友 ; 老唱片 ; Beijing opera ; Xin-pei Tan ; the Tan style ; amateur performer ; old record




13期(2011 / 01 / 01)


103 - 130






Created by Xin-pei Tan, a Laosheng (elderly male actor) of Beijing opera, the Tan style performance art flourished in the early twentieth century and developed into the learning model of the amateur performers in Beijing. Meanwhile, the newly introduced record technology in China helped preserve the process of how Xin-pei Tan's aria art grew from one man's style into a school. The aim of the paper is to trace the development and spread of Beijing opera's stylized performance through the study of old records made by the eminent Tan style amateur performers. Owing to the considerable profit potential, most of these amateurs later turned professional and achieved market success. There are roughly three phases of the Tan style's spread: 1. Xin-pei Tan recruited his fans; 2. the amateurs circulated around the wharf for art promotion; 3. the record technology accelerated the popularization. Therefore, the Tan style is the first known traditional performance art which was popularized along with the distribution of the records, and is also the most common Laosheng style. These old records well preserve the singing style of Xinpei Tan's middle period which differs from his late period, and thus become precious historical materials for the study of the formation of schools. Moreover, the amateurs together helped enlarge the repertoire of the Tan style songs that Xin-pei Tan had never sung. At last, the group of Beijing amateurs infused their Beijing accent into the aria art, which conduces to the attention in phonology of the next generation's Laoshengs.

主题分类 人文學 > 藝術
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