


Representing and Re-establishing Sense of Place through Reminiscence Theatre Performance in Hong Kong, Singapore and Taiwan in the Era of Globalization


王婉容(Wan-Jung Wang)


地方感 ; 老人回憶劇場 ; 全球化 ; 後現代與後殖民 ; 劇場表演中空間與身體的再生產與再創 ; Sense of Place ; Reminiscence Theatre ; Reproduction of space and body through theatre performance ; postmodernism and post-colonialism




17期(2013 / 01 / 01)


33 - 63






In the specific interweaving postmodern and postcolonial cultural and social conditions in South Eastern and Eastern Asia, the particular sense of place has been gradually diverted and diluted into an identical global landscape which lacks local identity and character and brings bewilderment and sense of loss. How does Reminiscence Theatre performance contribute to restore, represent and re-establish the specific sense of place through the re-inscription and reproduction of body and space through performance of memory in each specific locale in Asia? What are the political, ethical and aesthetic implications that these Reminiscence Theatre performances contain and carry in our contemporary society? What are the urgencies that these performances of memory can counter the placelessness that surround our identical metropolitan city and rural sites which constantly displace and dislocate us? How can these performances of memory can re-establish our specific sense of place? What are the unique aesthetic strategies that they employ to achieve this goal as alternative theatre aesthetics? How do they devise and collaborate to form their common representations of memory? What are their similarities and differences? I would like to use concrete examples as case studies from Reminiscence Theatre performances conducted in Hong Kong, Singapore and Taiwan to explore the above pressing issues and I also argue that Reminiscence Theatre has a lot to offer to re-constitute our sense of place through reproduction of space and body through performance and provoke us to reorient into our specific locale ”glocally”. The theories of Henri Lefebvre's space production and Edward Soja's Third Space, postmodernism and post-colonialism as well as Reminiscence Theatre's theories and praxes will be employed to demonstrate and analyze these unique Reminiscence Theatre performances in our time of globalization.

主题分类 人文學 > 藝術
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