


A Study of Beijing Opera's Jing Actors and Their Vocal Accents in the Early Twentieth Century Using Two Operas, "Muhuguan" and "Yuguoyuan", as Examples


李元皓(Yuan-Haw Lee)


老唱片 ; 京劇 ; 流派 ; 淨腳 ; 唱腔 ; old record ; Beijing opera ; school ; Jing actor ; vocal accent




19期(2014 / 01 / 01)


31 - 52






Originating in the nineteenth century, Beijing opera reached its peak in the early twentieth century. With the new sound recording technology introduced to China in the late nineteenth century, many precious recordings were produced and preserved, and these vocal documents allow a different approach to the history of Beijing opera. As the multiple vocal accents of Chinese traditional opera actors form an essential part of the art, this paper singles out thirteen jing actors who made records before 1920, and selects a hundred and twelve albums to scrutinize their vocal accents, especially focusing on two representative works of the jing character-”Muhuguan” and ”Yuguoyuan”.Jing characters include ”tongchui” and ”jiazi.” The track listings on the albums show that ”tongchui” was more popular than ”jiazi” during this period, and the phenomenon of ”yinggong” was still preserved in the recordings of Dayansong, Damiangang, etc. Also, although jing actors' voices occurred in the recordings, they were more supporting than main roles. Moreover, this group of records helped preserve the original voices of He, Guishan and other actors missing in the written history of Beijing opera. It can be found that the vocal accents of jing actors were generally influenced by He, Guishan and Mu, Fengshan. Last but not least, through a thorough analysis of the many versions of the recordings of ”Muhuguan” and ”Yuguoyuan” and relevant research materials, we can see a transition from the old accent represented by He, Guishan and Mu, Fengshan to the new accent represented by Jin, Xiushan. Their performance styles were superseded by that of the subsequent generation of actors, Jin Shaoshan (1889-1948), Qiu, Chengrong (1915-1971) and their respective apprentices. This evolution traced in the old records and relevant materials provides important historical information to the performance art of Beijing opera.

主题分类 人文學 > 藝術
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