


The Theatre of the Oppressed Inspired by the South America's Emancipating Thoughts-Boal's Anti-globalization Perspective


謝如欣(Kelly Ju-Hsin Hsieh)


波瓦 ; 被壓迫者劇場 ; 受壓迫者教育學 ; 反全球化 ; 解放神學 ; 弗雷勒 ; Augusto Boal ; anti-globalization ; liberation of theology ; Paulo Freire ; pedagogy of the oppressed ; theatre of the oppressed




21期(2015 / 01 / 01)


219 - 243




對波瓦(Augusto Boal)而言,全球化是帝國主義國家為了侵蝕拉丁美洲的毒藥糖衣。在他成長的過程,切.格瓦拉(Chê Guevara)是同時代青年的革命榜樣,解放思潮是當時的潮流,青壯時期與以解放神學為基礎幫助窮人的神父邂逅,接著和解放教育學大師保羅.弗雷勒(Paulo Freire)合作巴西北部識字計畫,巴西的政治環境與南美的解放思潮成為波瓦思想的養分。本文從波瓦個人出發,有別於過往中英文文獻對波瓦的生平介紹,而是從解放思潮出發,探討解放思潮如何伴隨波瓦成長,進而累積出「被壓迫者劇場」的發生,同時透過波瓦的葡文長短篇著作,瞭解他如何以第三世界國家居民與文化藝術者身分,提出反全球化觀點。


In the eyes of Augusto Boal, globalization was a sugar-coated poison touted by imperialistic countries which might one day kill Latin American countries. Since childhood, he got acquainted with the ideas of socialism. When he reached adolescence, he started to view Chê Guevara as a role model in pursuit of revolutionary campaigns when emancipation had begun to sweep over South America. As a young adult, he met a priest who helped the poor with the principles of liberation theology, and he later initiated a cooperative effort with Paulo Freire, a most influential advocator of liberation pedagogy, on a literacy project in northern Brazil. Under the political atmosphere and the emancipating trend over South America, Boal matured as a critical thinker of his time. This paper takes Boal's individual perspective, as opposed to the biographical approaches taken by prior Chinese and English literatures. The paper uses the thoughts of emancipation as the starting point and discusses how they influenced Boal during his younger years, cumulatively giving birth to the Theatre of the Oppressed. At the same time, through Boal's Portuguese writings, the paper attempts to elucidate how he presented anti-globalization viewpoints as a citizen of a third-world country and a practitioner of art and culture.

主题分类 人文學 > 藝術
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