


Study on the Imprints of "Bohua Hokkien Opera Troupe" (Bohua Minju Tuan): Playing Taiwanese Opera in Singapore in the 1960s


蔡欣欣(Hsin-Hsin Tsai)


新加坡 ; 臺灣歌仔戲 ; 柏華閩劇團 ; 唱片 ; 口述歷史 ; Singapore ; Taiwanese opera ; Bohua Hokkien Opera Troupe (Bohua minju tuan) ; records, oral history




21期(2015 / 01 / 01)


97 - 133






After the Pacific War, considering the legitimacy of the country (ROC), diplomatic policy and commercial benefits, many Taiwanese opera troupes accepted invitations to perform in Southeast Asia. In October, 1964, some overseas Chinese merchants in Singapore and Malaysia hosted Bohua Hokkien Opera Troupe, which comprised of fifty actors and actresses from both northern Taiwan and from Xintaiguang Taiwanese Opera Troupe based in southern Taiwan. Bohua was the first Taiwanese opera troupe performing in Singapore after World War II. During the one and a half years it performed in Singapore and Malaysia, Bohua not only made commercial performances in amusement parks but also took part in some outdoor religious festivals and gave some charity shows in national theatres and at other occasions. Besides, it was invited by a local Singaporean record company to make records for sale and regular broadcasting on Rediffusion Golden Radio. Because it took place in nearly half a century ago and research materials were lacking, the history of Taiwanese opera's overseas imprints has received relatively little scholarly attention. This paper reconstructs the historical background of the 1960s, and proposes an initial account of the imprints of this Taiwanese opera troupe in Singapore at that time. A number of research methods are employed: collecting records produced in the specific context, analyzing historical materials, examining cultural relics, and conducting interviews and field investigation.

主题分类 人文學 > 藝術
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