


Lv De Shui-Chinese Intellectuals’ Interrogations and Their Tacit Agreement


林偉瑜(Wei-Yu Lin)


佳構劇 ; 知識分子 ; 人文精神 ; 啟蒙 ; 隱蔽的共識 ; well-made play ; intellectual ; humanism ; enlightenment ; tacit agreement




23期(2016 / 01 / 01)


123 - 156




一群抱持啟蒙理想的知識分子到偏遠農村從事教育工作,為解決教育資源的貧乏,他們將拉水的驢子向上級虛報成一位名為「驢得水」的英文老師,以冒領一份空餉,未料此一謊言引發一連串人性與啟蒙的潰敗—這是由中國「80 以後」世代的周申與劉露所編導的商業話劇《驢得水》(2012 年首演)。藉由一荒謬但源自真實的故事,在看似胡鬧的喜劇風格中展現尖銳的政治與社會批判,使該劇成為中國近年來受矚目的話劇作品,不僅票房極佳,亦受話劇評論人與專家的重視,使年輕話劇編導的聲音獲得關注。該劇值得注意之處,首先在於其觸及知識分子、當代人文精神與啟蒙語境等商業話劇中鮮少觸及的主題。其次,故事背景雖設定在1942 年的國民政府,但卻注入當前社會中人們所熟悉的事件脈絡,使之直指當下而極具社會衝擊力。此外,《驢得水》內容雖具批判性,卻可隱約發現編導在創作中,似乎巧妙地與官方達到某種「隱蔽的共識」,使其政治性主題得以有面世的機會。本文將從《驢得水》一劇出發,分析該劇之結構與手法,探討所涉及的歷史情境和社會文化脈絡,以剖析該劇蘊涵的社會文化意義。本文探究的目的,除欲對此劇藝術手法和內容進行分析,也意圖將此作為對中國「80 以後」的年輕話劇編導及其作品的觀察。


To fulfill their Enlightenment ideals, a group of Chinese intellectuals went to a remote rural area in the 1940s. Badly lacking in educational and living resources, they lied to the government by mispresenting their donkey De Shui as a teacher, so as to earn an extra wage. However, the lie led to even more lies and eventually resulted in the collapse of their Enlightenment ideals and humanity. This is the story of the commercial huaju production Lv De Shui (premiered in 2012), which was written and directed by the“post-80s generation”huaju practitioners Zhou Shen and Liu Lu. Based on an absurd but real story, the satire Lv De Shui makes an acute social-political criticism. Some aspects of Lv De Shui are noteworthy. Firstly, it deals with serious social themes such as Chinese intellectuals’ predicament, humanism, and enlightenment, which rarely appear in commercial huaju. Secondly, even though the story is set under the pre-1949 government, many of its references obviously correspond to incidents in current society. Therefore, the criticism is actually targeted at contemporary China and its current government. However, it is worth noting that, despite the play’s apparently bold social criticism, the playwright and director seem somehow to have reached a "tacit agreement" with the authorities by cleverly avoiding a direct attack. This essay aims to analyze the dramatic structure of Lv De Shui and probes into the historic and social context of the play so as to explore its cultural significance.

主题分类 人文學 > 藝術
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