This article is focused on the etymology of the "ra-hrīh-ram" incantation used for cleansing the stage, and attempts to explore into its significance. The ritual context of the incantation "ra-hrīh-ram" representative of the theatre-deity of Nan-Xi (classical opera in southern China) is still (preserved) reserved in the ritual processes practiced in Taiwan's chi-jiau theatres and classical puppet theatres in Taiwan. These practices, for researchers, are as precious as living fossils. With this advantage, Prof. Chiu, Kun-Liang and other scholars have embarked on the initiative constructions of the field work. In addition to relevent literature review, this article attempts to trace the etymology of the incantation "ra-hrīh-ram" in terms of śabdavidyā, Siddha , and mukha from Tantric Buddhism. It is my initiative observation that□, a Siddha character, (ra in Latin transcription) contains the signification of "withdrawing from worldly contamination, "and functions to cleanse the mind and the sacred space in Tantric ritual processes. It also serves as the bīja for the "Fire Heaven" in the practice of the vajramandala ceremony. □(r in Latin transcription) and four other characters or the bīja, □, contain the signification of "departure from futile wonderings and playfulness," "withdrawing from contamination," "witnessing the pureness of dharmadhātu. "It serves as the bīja for Amitabha Buddha and Thousand-Hand- Thousand-Eyes-Avalokiteshvara. □(ram in Latin transcription) contains a character, sound and significance resembling , except for the fact that it has a point above the character and a nasal sound. □ contains the function of "transforming contamination into pureness. "The character serves as" Om, Ram svaha" in Tantric ritual processes, and in addition, as the bīja for Vajra-bhāsa of the bodhisattvas of the four dimensions in vajramandala ceremonies. As a conclusion, "ra-hrīh-ram" fundamentally contains the function of cleansing altars, cleansing the surroundings and cleansing the mind, which may uncover the mystery of the function of cleansing the stage of the "ra-hrīh-ram" incantation.