


A Study of Shangdang Buddhist Temple Theatre


王潞偉(Lu-Wei Wang)


戲場 ; 寺院劇場 ; 上黨 ; 佛教 ; 演劇 ; theatre ; temple theatre ; Shangdang region ; Buddhism ; drama




24期(2016 / 07 / 01)


45 - 86






Drama performance in Buddhist temples and at specialized performance venues in the temples is an important topic in the study of Chinese opera culture. Based on research in Buddhist scripture translated into Chinese and in Chinese literature from the Eastern Han to Sui and Tang Dynasties, this paper investigates the term xichang (theatre) and argues that its meaning changed from the Sui and Tang Dynasties to the Northern Song Dynasty. This paper analyzes the specialized performance venues built in Buddhist temples and traces their development from beginning through the Ming and Qing Dynasties. A small number of temples theatres were built, dedicated to the worship of gods. This shows that Chinese folk culture had an impact on the Buddhist temples, and that some Buddhist sects made adjustments and reforms in the Canon and the doctrine. This paper further surveys the Buddhist temples in the Shangdang region of the Shanxi Province. There remain over a thousand Buddhist temple ruins in Shangdang, but few include a specialized theatre. The earliest records of temple theatres are from the late Ming Dynasty, and the number increases in the Kangxi and Qianlong periods in the Qing Dynasty. Even so, Buddhist temple theatres were not a common thing. Most Buddhist temples still maintained their independent character, and stayed distanced from secular drama activities.

主题分类 人文學 > 藝術
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