


The Thesis of Taiwan Zu Ma Zhen Origination


施德玉(Te-yu Shih)


藝陣 ; 竹馬陣 ; 竹馬戲 ; 十二生肖 ; Yi Zhen ; Zu Ma Zhen ; Zu Ma Xi ; Zodiac




25期(2017 / 01 / 01)


49 - 78






Taiwan people have diverse religious beliefs which improved the development of religious cultural in Taiwan. Normally the religious activities would have Yi Zhen arts performances. Thus, the activities not only able to express the religious significance but also bring more followers participation and produce better results. As result, the religious activities in Taiwan often follow by many different Yi Zhen arts and performance shows. The believers considered the Yi Zhen performance very seriously and always expect to see Yi Zhen performance in a religious ceremony. "Zu Ma Zhen" troupe of Tuku, Hsinying City of Tainan City is a special arts group in Taiwan that has more than 200 years of history. Zu Ma Zhen is based on Zodiac characters to perform Yi Zhen and Chinese traditional opera during the religious ceremony. Based on my research, out of many Chinese traditional opera academic researches that contained more than three hundred types of opera, none of the opera is performed based on Zodiac roles. Therefore, Zu Ma Zhen is extremely unique arts group. This thesis is based on three conceptions, the reason of the Zodiac characters and their makeup masks, the origination of the Zu Ma Zhen performance, and the development of the Zu Ma Zhen performance. First, by comparing the makeup masks between Zu Ma Zhen and "Shi Ping" Opera in Fujian Province to determine the similarity and differences of the painting skills. Second, based on the Zu Ma Zhen performing styles to identify multiple possibilities of the opera history towards conclusion. Lastly, based on the Zodiac Algorithm, Divination, and religious doctrine to conclude the development history and origination. Based on the research and analysis on the origination and development of the Taiwan Zu Ma Zhen, expecting to present the significance of Zu Ma Zhen to the Academia and to clarify the history and origination of the Zu Ma Zhen.

主题分类 人文學 > 藝術
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