


A Research on the Development of Shan-shaan Bangzi: From Gestation to Maturity


王星榮(Xing-Rong Wang);王潞偉(Lu-Wei Wang)


蒲州 ; 同州 ; 戲臺 ; 山陝梆子 ; Puzhou ; TongZhou ; stage ; Shan-shaan Bangzi




28期(2018 / 07 / 01)


29 - 80






The Shan-Shaan area is the birthplace of Chinese culture. The culture of ritual and music thriving in the reigns of the Lords of Yao, Shun and Yu has a profound effect on later generations. The sacrifices made by the emperors of Qin and Han dynasties to the Yellow River or the Land were held in Linyi and Wanrong which are counties in southern Shanxi. So the Yellow River Delta, including Shan (the southern Shanxi) Shaan (the eastern Shanxi, Tongzhou) Yu (Henan, Shanzhou), has abundant cultural and artistic heritages. A "dancing pavilion" structured by wood and brick and attributed to the fourth year of Tianxi Song Dynasty (1020) was found in Wanquan county (now called Wanrong county). Then swayed and promoted by the flourishing of the folk literature, folk ceremonies of worshipping ancestors and gods combined with military musical dance and martial arts and absorbing the nourishments from Shizan of Bianwen, an emerging literature style in Tang Dynasty, gave birth to the rudiment of Miscellaneous Play accompanied by drums and cymbals and representing stories of gods and spirits. Up to the Dading era of the Jin dynasty (1115-1234), it came into the shape of the primary opera with miscellaneous percussions. According to Tao Zongyi's Notes during the Fallow in the South Village (Nan Cun Chuo Geng Lu), an entry in the Register of Jin Playets (Yvan Ben Ming Mu) is named "Chuan Bangzi", supposed a simple kind of Bangzi Puppet Opera, which later in the late Yuan dynasty was replaced by actor and in the early Ming dynasty was brought by Dahuaishu emigrants to places like the Gaotai County in Gansu Province. In Ming dynasty, Bangzi opera transplanted and adapted some of miscellaneous percussion repertoire, gradually developed a new repertoire which depicted historical romances and folk lives. Professional theatrical troupes appeared in Jiajing era, and then spread to the south of the Yangtze River and Beijing at the turn of the Ming to the Qing Dynasty. In the early Qing Dynasty, Bangzi opera made a considerable progress by performing together with the Kunshan Opera. During the period from the late Qianlong era to the early Jiaqing era, two musical styles competed- the tempo-oriented (Banqiang) finally exceeded the tuneoriented (Lianqu) in popularity, and the tune music has been largely assimilated by the tempo one, or only left for accompaniment. Banqiang thus reached its maturity. In the late Qing Dynasty, Bangzi opera in Shanxi, Shanxi and Henan area was very booming and disseminating to both the north and the south.

主题分类 人文學 > 藝術
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