Folk performing arts are diverse and rich in themselves, especially in those colorful yizhen xiaoxi (the skits or episodes in artistic performance formations) which demonstrate the traditional and unsophisticated artistic qualities. In addition, because they carry historical and cultural heritages, yizhen troupes are often introduced and perform during festivals and religious activities. Tainan, as the first developed city in Taiwan, is full of religious festivals and various yizhen activities with large scales and frequency. We can say this is the city where diverse traditional arts could develop and establish freely. In religious festivals, all kinds of yizhen could be found, and above all xiaoxi performances are traditional and unique, such as Chegu Array, Niuli Array (Cattle-drawn Ploughing Array), Qixiang Array and so on. The senior performers of yizhen could not only dance and sing well, but also speak humorous and fun narrations, which draw all the audience's attention and preserve the traditional culture at the same time. In terms of the story content, most of yizhen xiaoxi in Tainan present romances. The content of the romances could be divided into three types: first, a xiaoxi that expresses loving feelings, in which lovers adore each other and express their feelings toward each other. Second, a xiaoxi that expresses loving but teasing feelings, in which lovers tease and make fun of each other, and that is why this xiaoxi is called sio-po in Taiwanese. This kind of xiaoxi is full of playfulness and humor, and much loved by the audience. Third, a xiaoxi that presents family love. Moreover, when we look closer to some other xiaoxis of yizhen in Tainan, whose story plots could be traced back to the drama of the Ming and Qing dynasties, we can say that xiaoxi is historical significant since it preserves the heritage. The method applied in this study is field investigation, including interviewing and videotaping yizhen xiaoxi in Tainan. Then this paper will move to analyze the story plots. Hopefully, the documented materials and the analyses of them could be sufficient references for researchers in related fields and xiqu dramaturgs.
東里書齋網站。網址:http://www.donglishuzhai.net/mulubu/quhaizongmutiyao/。檢索日期:2019 年 8 月 11 日。