


Co-constructing The Market of Popular Literature And Art: from Novels, Films, to Peking Opera Serial Red Lotus Temple on Fire


程筱媛(Hsiao-Yuan Cheng)


通俗文藝 ; 海派京劇 ; 《江湖奇俠傳》 ; 《火燒紅蓮寺》 ; 榮記共舞臺 ; Popular literature and art ; Shanghaiesque Peking Opera ; Legend of Fantastic Heros ; Red Lotus Temple on Fire ; Rongzi Kun Theater




37期(2023 / 01 / 01)


7 - 35






Beginning in 1923, Pingjiang Buxiaosheng(平江不肖生)'s full-length novel Legend of Fantastic Heros (《江湖奇俠傳》) became a serial for the magazine Hong(《紅》), which set a trend of Wuxia (Chinese Chivalric Romance 武俠)to the literary world. This upsurge extended to the Chinese film industry, generating the wave of Wuxia films rising up in the middle of 1920s. In 1928, Red Lotus Temple on Fire(《火燒紅蓮寺》), adapted from Legend of Fantastic Heros, was produced by Mingxing(明星) Film Company, bringing the Wuxia trend to its high tide. Meanwhile, Peking Opera did not fall behind. Between 1929 and 1939, there were at least seven different variants of the play at the Peking Opera theater in Shanghai. Among them, the version performed at Rongzi Kung theater(榮記共舞臺)developed thirty- four episodes from 1935 to 1939, the most outstanding achievement considered by all. In the 1920s and 1930s, the productions, adapted from popular fictions and Quyi(Chinese oral performing art 曲藝), of movie, Xiqu(Chineseopera 戲曲), and crude stage play(modern drama 文明戲)swept the market of popular literature and art in Shanghai. Transplanting the successful works and imitating the trendy vogues were the common modes of producing popular literature and art. That is, while expanding the market, the creators were deeply affected by the market itself. Therefore, this paper re-explores the study of the Shanghaiesque Peking Opera(海派京劇)from the perspective of "co-constructing the market of popular literature and art", aiming at Legend of Fantastic Heros and Red Lotus Temple on Fire that traversed across the genres of novel, movie, and Peking Opera. This paper will thus review the development of the market of popular literature and art in Shanghai since the late Qing Dynasty, a trajectory from Xiqu's monopoly to a diversified competition. Then, it will investigate how both the movie and the Peking Opera of Red Lotus Temple on Fire continued and reinforced the mainstream position of the Wuxia subject in the market, a position established by the novel Legend of Fantastic Heros. Lastly, with a further step into the viewing environment then, in which the same themes were often replicated in diverse forms, this paper will analyze the various interests in the aesthetics of the different mediums, mainly the fiction, movie, and Peking Opera, especially focusing on Peking Opera and analyzing the application of Shanghaiesque Peking Opera aesthetics in Red Lotus Temple on Fire so as to highlight the modernity of this artwork.

主题分类 人文學 > 藝術
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