


A Study on the Recovery Processes of Families Traumatized by the 921 Earthquake


蔡素妙(Su-Miao Tsai)


受創家庭 ; 復原力 ; traumatized family ; recovery




1期(2004 / 09 / 01)


122 - 145




本研究主要目的在探討地震受創家庭的復原力現象。故邀訪九二一地震中,遭受屋毀及成員罹難的家庭共九戶,進行質性研究之分析。 研究結果發現受創家庭災後反應,隨著時問發展,可分為「驚慌期」、「安置期」、「重建期」與「穩定期」等不同階段特性。同時,隨著災後反應階段的變化,復原力的發展呈現家庭內外部資源的結合與變化脈絡:災後初期,家庭內部資源因為受災,而突然大量流失,使家庭功能失衡低落,亟需外在資源的介入。若該家庭能順利獲得較多的外在資源,如物資與人力等之援助,將可以較快地使毀損的家園展開重建之路。而當家庭的內部潛在資源與力量,如家庭成員的韌性與堅強等再度被激發與增強後,家庭對外界的物質資源需求就相對減弱,轉而致力在家庭內部與外在關係的情感維繫與經營上。 有關家庭內部復原力發展的主要過程為:當受創家庭重新有了較為穩固的住處與經濟,成員問形成新的角色責任分配與合作,將使新的生活秩序慢慢建立成形,而倖存成員為了要保護倖存的「家」與「家人」,會主動改善若干溝通型態,並發展出維護個人與家庭存在意義的重要信念,共同展望未來,重新規劃家庭生命的發展藍圖。其中,促使受創家庭發展復原力的重要復原力因素,在家庭內部有:改善家庭基本生活的維護如安居與經濟問題、促進家庭關係的發展如連結家人情感與改善溝通互動、家庭組織具有彈性如重建家庭生活秩序、互助合作肩負起新角色責任、建立家庭發展的意義如家庭信念與展望未來等。在家庭外部則有社會支援力量、社會文化的影響、時間的力量、物理環境的穩定等因素之影響。 而文末將提出若干建議,作為未來從事受創家庭災後協助工作與相關研究之參考。


This study intends to investigate the recovering process of the families traumatized by the earthquake. The qualitative method is applied to interviewing 9 different families who lost their family members. It is found that the resilience processes of the traumatized families can be classified into four chronological stages: the panic stage, the sheltering stage, the reorganization stage, and the stabilization stage. The internal and external resources of the traumatized families changed because of the different recovering processes through different stages. In the beginning stage after earthquake, most of the internal resources of the traumatized families are lost and the family function deteriorating. Hence, the traumatized families were eager for looking forward to external resources. The traumatized family function will resume much more quickly if these families can get more external resources such as financial subsidies assistance. . The need for external resources for the traumatized families decreased when potential internal resources and strengths were stimulated and reinforced such as family members tolerance and toughness. At this time, the traumatized families will need more contact with external relationship. The new order of the family will be established gradually when these families have both stable residences and financial sources and the family members have their new roles. The survivors will actively change their way of communication pattern, and develop new common belief in the existence of both individual members and the family. There are many important recovered factors: taking the family per se into family, financial security rebuilding, enhancement of family members, intercommunication and caring for each other, daily-life order reestablishment, family members' cooperation and new roles undertaking, important family belief commitment, better future expectation, social supporting resource, social cultural influence, and stable physical environment. Finally, there are some suggestions in assisting the traumatized families and related studies.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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