


Creative blocks, gastronomy and urban regeneration: The Formation of Landscape of Gastronomy and Cultural Creative Industries in Dadaocheng in Taipei City


殷寶寧(Yin, Pao-Ning)


大稻埕 ; 迪化街 ; 文創產業 ; 創意街區 ; 美食地景 ; Dadaocheng ; Di Hwa Streets ; Cultural Creative Industries Creative blocks ; Landscape of Gastronomy




10期(2016 / 12 / 01)


29 - 66






In these years, there are more and more creative workers and industries aggregated around the Dihwa Streets, Dadaocheng area in Taipei City. These trades embedded in the historic area, matching the beautiful facades in the street and the walkers friendly environments, all these elements make this area a popular place for tourists, especially the young. According to the "Law for the Development of the Cultural and Creative Industries", the Dihwa Street is a so-called creative blocks. Under the proposition of "the culture is a good business", the word "culture" means the cultural assets belong and shared by a certain group of people, so-called a community. Was there any cultural and historic resources of the area can be transformed into the material for the cultural and creative industries? Were there any connections between the traditional business and the newly developed industries? Since the area was a traditional wholesale market for foods, was the formation of its landscape of gastronomy implied the connections between the trades. The article took the process of the formation of landscape of gastronomy as a case study, to figure out if there is any possible connection or appropriations from the traditional food and Chinese medicine trades to the new cultural and creative industries. That is, the researcher suggested the local historic resources could be a rich material for the development of the creative industries. At the same time, the creative industries might help to support the conservation of local culture.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 歷史學
人文學 > 人類學及族群研究
人文學 > 藝術
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