


The Naissance of European Academic Institution of Art


劉碧旭(Liu, Pi-Hsu)


藝術學院 ; 佛羅倫斯藝術學院 ; 法蘭西皇家繪畫與雕塑學院 ; 藝術知識 ; 文化政治 ; academy of art ; Accademia del Disegno ; Académie Royale de Peinture et de Sculpture ; art knowledge ; culture politics




11期(2018 / 03 / 01)


1 - 29




歐洲的藝術學院是一個在歷史過程中逐漸演變形成的體制,進而成為西方國家藝術學院的原型。最初,藝術只是手工藝的勞動,依靠著師徒制相傳,發展出行會組織維持職業身分與地位,但是一五六三年義大利佛羅倫斯梅蒂奇家族領導期間成立「藝術學院」(Accademia del Disegno),將藝術工作的傳承從行會轉變為學院,而後法蘭西受到義大利經驗影響,一六四八年成立皇家繪畫與雕塑學院,隨著君主專制日益鞏固,不但在法國大革命之後得以延續,甚至造成西方國家成立藝術學院的風潮。本研究採取歷史脈絡分析的方法,回溯義大利與法蘭西的藝術學院的演變過程,並採取藝術機構研究的觀點,釐清藝術學院發展過程中藝術知識與文化政治之間關係的演變。本研究分為六節:第一節「前言」,主要說明藝術學院設置與藝術家職業身分的認同息息相關;第二節「佛羅倫斯手工藝行會的政治與文化」,主要說明藝術學院成立之前手工藝行會的政治經濟地位;第三節「Accademia與Disegno:佛羅倫斯藝術學院的詞源及其歷史意涵」,主要說明Accademia與Disengno這兩個詞彙在當時歷史脈絡之中的詞意與精神;第四節「義大利藝術學院體制的法蘭西轉型」,主要說明法蘭西皇室成立藝術學院的歷史背景;第五節「法蘭西皇家繪畫與雕塑學院的藝術與政治」,主要說明文化政治影響藝術知識體制化的過程。第六節「結語」,主要說明藝術學院的歷史回顧具有前瞻意義。本研究的目的,第一在於釐清歐洲藝術學院誕生與演變的歷史脈絡,第二在於檢討藝術家職業身分認同與藝術創作自主性之間的關係,第三在於探索藝術學院面對新時代挑戰應有的自我反省與批判的態度。


The academy of art in European countries is an institution resulting from historical development and transformation, considered as prototype of academies of art in Occidental world. At the beginning, art is craftsmanship based on apprenticeship, consolidated by guild. But, since 1563, Accademia del Disegno was built by Florentine Medici family in Italy, academy replaces guild as powerful institution. Encouraged by Italian academy, French emperors of Bourbon family established Académie Royale de Peinture et de Sculpture in 1648. As an institution supported systematically by royal authority, its influence continues after French Revolution, even leads future development of Occidental academies in coming era. This research, takes historical-contextual analysis as method, retraces the transforming process of academies of art in Italy and France, and follows the perspectives of institution study, focuses on the changing relationships of art knowledge and culture politics. This research contains six sections. The first, Introduction, explicates the establishment of academy of art as a result of artist status identity. The second, The Politics and Culture of Florentine craftsmanship guild, explicates the political and economic position of craftsmanship guild before the existence of academy. The third, The Historical Significance of Accademia and Disegno, explicates the origin and spirit of Italian academic institution. The fourth, The French Transformation of Italian academic institution, explicates the historical background of the invention of French royal academy. The fifth, The Art and Politics of Académie Royale de Peinture and et Sculpture, explicates the influences of culture politics on the institutionalization of art knowledge. The sixth, Conclusion, explicates the importance of a reflective study of academy of art. This research looks towards three aims. Firstly it aims to explore the origin of European academies and their historical contexts. Secondly it aims to clarify the relations between artist status identity and the autonomy of creativity. Thirdly it aims to rediscover the reflective and critical spirit of academic institution of art.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 歷史學
人文學 > 人類學及族群研究
人文學 > 藝術
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