Crafts possess everyday life practical characteristics, but with the rise of industrial mechanical production, and because traditional crafts lack the ability to keep up with the times, they are replaced by industrial products. Taiwan's traditional craft industry is facing: Local craft industry which emphasizes localization blocks stimulation and support from outside; the creation route of the craft art is not beneficial to the development of industries. The Objective of this research is to solve the traditional craft industry's current issues and consciousness. By reviewing documents and executing actual observation, it points out the following four trends of Taiwan's traditional craft industry's transformation: 1. Flat organization, disintermediation 2. Talented personnel cooperating together, decentralization 3. Changes in impartation and mentoring, lowering alienation 4. The Long Tail, community demassification. As for the prospect and development of the Maker Movement on Taiwan's traditional craft industry, they are described separately as followed: 1. Design thinking, digital support and cooperation 2. Participation in design, boosting supply 3. Cross-field integration, combining different materials 4. Sustainable green materials, local identification 5. Fundraising platforms, market testing 6. Experiencing economy, creating values Related researches on the trends and prospect of Taiwan's traditional craft industry facing the Maker Movement are organized as followed: 1. Traditional craft makers don't persist in using single kind of materials and techniques, and the source materials and method show diversity. 2. The traditional craft industry chain is linked with craft artists' exquisite craft techniques; designers are in charge of design transformation, and they assist small factories with productions that are small quantity and diversified. 3. Local craft industry, under the Maker Movement, gets to transform from the industry type that was once dominated by sub-contract manufacturing. Either the experiencing type of operation having the store in front and the factory at back, or using fundraising platforms as the channel, disintermediation makes the communication between the production end and the consumer end sufficient, and living crafts gain a faster and more convenient marketing channel.
三點水文化創意 2018 網路資源,https://drii-design.com/-fluid-bubble。檢索日期,10 月 1 日。
書法藝術家董陽孜揮亳年節禮盒藏福味 2018 網路資源,https://star.ettoday.net/news/449595。檢索日期,10 月 1 日。
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石壁染織工藝園區 2018 網路資源,http://raisinay.com/。檢索日期,10 月 8 日。
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