


A Preliminary Survey on the Position Rings of the Geomancer's Compass




羅經 ; 三合 ; 三針 ; 方位層 ; 分金 ; Geomancer's Compass ; the Harmonic Triplets ; the Three Needles ; the position rings ; sub-divisions




14期(2021 / 12 / 01)


105 - 161






This paper is aimed to explore the immanence of the geomancer's compass, for which 15 main texts of the Ming and Ching dynasties are chosen for examination, focusing on the Harmonic Triplets School. It concludes with the following findings. Most Ming texts are concerned more with Trigrams, Solar Fortnights and constellations than else, while that of the Ching are more with the Three Needles and Three Plates. The rings of the geomancer's compass could be grouped into four categories: the position rings, the Trigram rings, the constellation rings and the rings of the Dipper stars. Of the four, the position rings are most substantial and are the focus of this paper. The position rings consist of the Three Plates of Heaven, Earth and Man, with separate subordinate divisions and sub-divisions, such as the Earth-penetrating Sixty Dragons, the Uneven Spaced Sixty Dragons, the Mountain-piercing Seventy-two Dragons, and the 120 Sub-divisions, etc. The certain sequential order and attributes of the 24 Points and the divisions of these rings are given by the deduction of the Pre-heaven and the Post-heaven Trigrams, the Yin and Yang and the Five Elements. The evaluation of auspice is cooperated by separately using different division rings for fixing the direction of dragons and facing, avoiding unlucky hills and receiving water flows. Mainly, the Earth Plate is used for fixing the direction of dragons and facing, the Man Plate is used for avoiding unlucky hills, and the Heaven Plate is used for receiving water flows. Besides, the Mountain-piercing Seventy-two Dragons and the 120 Sub-divisions are applied to deciding the finer division of facing, and the Earth-penetrating Sixty Dragons are applied to deciding the finer division for fixing the direction of dragons. The rings of sub-divisions are used for three aspects of harmony: ☒1☒ the harmony of number ☒2☒ the harmony among the Five Elements ☒3☒ the harmony between Yin and Yang. The harmony of number is concerned with the Sub-divisions, and only those with the ratio of 3 to 7 or 2 to 8 as against the sectors of the 24 Points are regarded as harmonious ones. The harmony among the Five Elements are considered by their mutual relationships of generating, conquering, suppressing, and transforming, through the systems of Accepting Stems, Accepting Sounds and the Harmonic Triplets, etc. As for the harmony of Yin and Yang, the distinction between the Positive Yin Yang and the Pure Yin Yang are identified, with the emphasis on matching.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 歷史學
人文學 > 人類學及族群研究
人文學 > 藝術
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