


An Investigation on the Connected Principles of Curricula Planning in Community Colleges for Cultivating Modern Citizens




徐敏雄(Min-Hsiung Hsu)


社區大學 ; 社區教育 ; 課程設計 ; conununity college ; community education ; curriculum design




17卷2期(2009 / 06 / 30)


71 - 101






Ideally, curricula of community colleges in Taiwan would have been divided into three parts: academic courses, group activity courses and living skill courses, and the main goal of the curricula are modern citizens cultivating. According to this discourse, the key element to cultivate modern citizens is connecting three parts of the curricula with each other. First, we should create a relationship built on an understanding of mutual respect, caring, and concerns to assist one another, and to enhance learners' self-confidence and feelings of security and trust through living skill courses. Second, we should help learners to be acquainted with both justice and multicultural principles through the academic courses. Through the understanding that some conflicts of values are unavoidable in pluralistic society, learners may extend their empathy to those beyond their kinship circle. Finally, through group activity courses, the learners may have opportunities to polish their problem solving skills, to care for about others with different backgrounds, and thus to strengthen their community ties with caring and justice.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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