


An Alternative of Indigenous Pedagogy: The Atmosphere and the Dignity in the Village




林民程(Min-Cheng Lin)


氣氛美學 ; 生態美學 ; 鄉愁 ; 社區有教室 ; 隱闇(默會)知識 ; atmosphere aesthetics ; ecological aesthetics ; nostalgia ; The Classroom in the Community ; tacit knowledge




18卷1期(2010 / 03 / 31)


77 - 110




以往借用西方批判理論的本土教育論述尚未本土化,使得當前本土教育顯得淺薄空泛,並披上破壞族群的汙名色彩。因此,本文企圖將具有基本教義性質的本土化教育過渡到具有公民行動性質的在地化教育。以「村」的語境與G Böhme的氣氛美學做為根基,論述學校空間「氛圍」與「尊嚴」之形塑。將以往從課程面向進行的本土教育,往空間面向移動,企圖形塑學校為「美學的權力機制」,在被功能化與升學主義宰制的學校空間文化中,重建人與物的尊嚴。「氛圍」訴說空間是會說話的;「尊嚴」則蘊含將物的形、色與質感往最適當的位置去安置的行動。本文以學校工作現場的隱闇(默會)知識做為組織與分析要點。文末以一所國中推動「社區有教室」課程的實踐經驗做為說明。


The western critical theory which was used to construct the Taiwan indigenization education theory has never been indigenized, therefore it makes Taiwan indigenization education show only superficial and has been politically stigmatized for increasing ethnic struggle. This article attempts to build the discourse for connecting indigenization education which based on Taiwanese essentialism and the localization education which based on civic participation. The discourse about the atmosphere and the dignity in the village, which partly derived from Gernot Bohme's Atmosphere Aesthetics, tries to construct the aesthetic power mechanism in the school. Mostly indigenization education in Taiwan always focused on curriculum aspect, but this article emphasizes on space-reconstruction aspect and tries to liberate students and teachers from the functionalized school cultural space which dominated by Taiwanese education fanaticism. 'Atmosphere' indicates that the spaces would 'speak', and 'dignity' refers the action to make the most proper arrangement for the shape, color and nature in the space. The tacit knowledge from the practicing 'The Classroom in the Community' curriculum in a remote junior school was analyzed for reiterating this new path.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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