


The Construction of Scoring Rubrics for the Performing Art-Using Primary Grade on "the Content of Drama Creation & Application" As Example




林玫君(Mei-Chun Lin)


表演藝術 ; 戲劇教育 ; 實作評量 ; 評分規範 ; 能力指標 ; performing arts ; drama education ; performance assessment ; scoring rubrics ; ability indicator




18卷2期(2010 / 06 / 30)


113 - 154




本研究主要是以先前研究所建立的補充性「戲劇課程架構」之「戲劇內涵Ⅱ─戲劇創作能力之應用」,建構並實驗出一套適用於國小表演藝術課程之「評分規範」。本篇論文以「低年級」課程為例,希望聚焦探討表演藝術能力指標之轉化歷程及其在現場運用的情形。研究中嘗試運用文獻中之建議,將表演藝術「能力指標」及「戲劇創作能力之應用」的內容進行轉化,發展「評分規範」初稿。之後,研究團隊至國小現場進行預試與修正工作。接著,再對 17位教師進行訓練以建立評分共識,並回到現場進行檢測,以了解規範的使用情形,並提供回饋意見。透過循環性地教學、討論、反思與記錄的過程,「評分規範Ⅱ」的內容持續地修正。研究結果發現,除了對能力指標的轉化及教師共識的運作歷程更了解外,其結果也提供了「評分規範初稿」修訂的參考。其中幾個重要的修訂,例如:刪除「對話」向度,並將其內容融入「對戲劇情境接受的程度」與「角色」中;強調「角色」向度中動作、表情及口語等描述的明確性;釐清「回映」向度,以學生對於戲劇經驗的反省為主;重視「情節」向度中,學生表現的實質深度而非頻率的高低。最後,在教師進入現場實作後,又建議增加「完成任務的能力」及「參與活動的專注程度」等兩個向度。


This research aims to develop and experiment a set of Scoring Rubrics in Drama Strand Ⅱ for students in the elementary school based on the supplementary ”Drama curriculum” developed by the researcher before. This paper will focus its discussion on the transferring and practical issues using primary grade as example. The first draft of the Rubrics was established through comparing the learning objective of the national curriculum with the new supplementary ones and transferring those into the first draft of rubrics. It was then brought to the elementary classroom for testing and revising purpose. After that, 17 teachers were invited to join the research to build the consensus on the Rubrics and went back to their own classroom for further testing and revising. Through circular actions between classroom teaching and team discussions, the final draft was done. After the research, the researcher is more familiar with the transferring procedure. Discussions from the process of building teachers' consensus offered good feedback to revise the drafted rubrics. Major revisions of the Scoring Rubrics are: integrating the content of ”dialogue” into other two items- ”accepting drama situations” & ”role;” more clear descriptions is needed on ”role;””reflection” is different from ”response;””plot” need to be focused on the ”quality” rather on the ”frequency” of the students' performance. Two new dimensions were added to the Rubrics-”ability to finish the task ”and ”concentration in the activity.”

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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